Now you will see contacts sent to/from your contacts associated with their record in your CRM!

Your incoming and outgoing server names and ports should automatically populate, but if they do not, enter the following information: Enter your name as it will be displayed to external users, your email address and password for your Office 365 account, then click save. Navigate to Settings > Channels > Email > and click on Office 365. You also have the option to sync your MS Outlook email to Zoho CRM via IMAP (recommended) or POP. that are owned by other users in your company depending on the amount of data you are syncing the process could take anywhere from a couple minutes to several hours – be prepared to enable the initial sync at a time when you do not need to access your accounts. Limitations: Your email address associated with Zoho CRM must be the same as the email associated with your MS Office 365 address the sync is between “your” accounts, i.e. This will allow you to separate personal and business-related records. Once connected you will see a new category titled “Zoho CRM (Meetings, Tasks, Contacts)”. You will be redirected to sign into your Outlook desktop app. Click enable on the option you’d like to enable. You will see three separate Buttons to enable the sync – Meetings, Contacts, and Tasks. Simply navigate to Settings > Marketplace > Microsoft Office 365 in your Zoho CRM. If your company uses Microsoft Office 365 you can still sync your calendar, tasks and contacts with Zoho CRM. Sync Contacts, Meetings, Tasks for Microsoft 365 Users This can be a major problem! Fortunately, you have a couple of different options to enable syncing. One issue that this new add in brings up is that it does not sync your existing email/contacts/calendar.
In our last post we advised on the discontinuation for Zoho support for the Outlook plugin available through the Zoho Marketplace, and how to switch to the email add in available through Microsoft.